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自幼習琴,並參與學校及教會合唱團。雙雙的創作過程追溯到國中時期,並參加校際舉辦的創作比賽,奪得冠軍,初次在編曲創作嶄露頭角。高中赴美 Walnut Hill Performing Art School 學習作曲時,第一次參與現代阿卡貝拉團體演出。之後進入芝加哥 Northwestern University(西北大學)主修作曲,創立校內第一個由華裔學生組成的阿卡貝拉團體 The Treblemakers 並於 2004 年開始編寫阿卡貝拉歌曲至今。畢業作品「The Legend of Brahmaputra」(雅魯藏布江的傳奇) 獲得該年西北大學作曲系管絃樂曲比賽第一名。大學畢業後前往奧地利維也納 Kirchenmusik Konservatorium Wien(維也納教會音樂學院)深造,學習教會音樂管風琴彈奏,以 B 級證書畢業。在維也納的時期,她擔任位於 Votivkirche(沃蒂夫教堂)天主教英文彌撒的首席管風琴師,並於維也納許多不同教堂演唱及彈奏管風琴。同時,她參與歐洲各地阿卡貝拉藝術節,與阿卡貝拉大師們深入學習。2009 年回到台灣成立 Voco Novo 爵諾歌手,廣受好評與肯定。

2004 年開始編寫 a cappella 歌曲至今,作品曾登上美國,奧地利,德國,瑞典,日本,韓國,香港,中國等舞台,以及台灣的國家音樂廳,新舞台,中山堂,2012 金馬獎頒獎典禮,及無數 live house。獲得奬項無數,包括 2004 第一屆台灣重唱歌曲創作大賽第三名(第一、 二名從缺);2008 台灣國際重唱大賽最佳編曲獎;2010 台灣國際重唱大賽最佳創作獎以及最佳漢光編曲獎,而其擔任團長的人聲樂團 Voco Novo,更獲得了最佳漢光演唱獎;2011台灣現代阿卡貝拉大賽最佳漢光編曲奬,以及與 Voco Novo 獲得金牌獎第二名以及最佳漢光演唱奬;2012 Vokal.total 國際阿卡貝拉大賽最佳編曲獎,以及與 Voco Novo 拿下爵士組金牌獎第二名,流行組金牌獎第三名;2013 年,Voco Novo 專輯獲得了現代阿卡貝拉專輯獎得“最佳亞洲專輯”,其中創作曲“迢迢牽牛星”更獲得了“最佳世界音樂歌曲亞軍”。

在吸收了來自亞洲,美國,以及歐洲的文化之後,雙雙回到家鄉台灣,專注於將傳統以及原住民音樂融入於 a cappella 的形式中。除了參與各項 a cappella 教學之外,目前擔任 Voco Novo 爵諾歌手女中音/音樂總監,Vocal Asia Festival 藝術總監,台北聖家堂首席管風琴師及指導老師,以及大博爾青年合唱團指揮。

Christine Liu (shuang shuang) is an a cappella musician and church organist. She is focusing on composing, arranging, singing, playing and teaching in her home country Taiwan.

She started composing and at the age of 14, and a year later, she moved to the United States to study music composition at the Walnut Hill School in Boston, where she experienced A Cappella music for the first time with Amabile Cantabile.  Afterwards, she was accepted to Northwestern University in Chicago to continue the composition study.  Apart from the study, Christine founded the first East-Asian a cappella group – The Treblemakers – and started leading, arranging, and performing throughout her college years.  In 2006, she obtained the Bachelor degree with the winning orchestral composition “The Legend of Brahmaputra”, which was premiered by the Northwestern University Chamber Orchestra in 2007.  After she graduated, she headed to Vienna, Austria to work at the Wiener Meisterkurse (Vienna Master Courses), and attend the Kirchenmusik Konservatorium Wien (Church Music Conservatory) to study organ.  During the Vienna years, she was the principle organist of the English Speaking Catholic Community at the Votiv Church, and had been singing and playing in many churches in Vienna.  In 2009, she moved back to Taiwan and started a vocal group Voco Novo.

With the experience of writing A Cappella music since 2004, Christine’s works have been performed in many countries, including the U.S.A., Austira, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, as well as many different venues and occasions in Taiwan.  Her works have also won many awards including the 3rd Prize at the “2004 Taiwan Vocal Ensemble Composition Competition”; the Best Arrangement at the “2008 Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival”; “Best Composition” and “Best Han-Guang Arrangement” at the “2010 Taiwan Contemporary A Cappella Festival”; “Best Han-Guang Arrangement” at the “2011 Taiwan Contemporary A Cappella Festival”; “Best Arrangement” at the 2012 vokal.total. International A Cappella Competition, Graz, Austria”; “Best World/Folk Song runner-up” of “2013 CARA”.

Having lived in Asia, the United States and Europe, she is now back in her hometown Taipei aiming to bring traditional and Taiwanese aboriginal music into the world of a cappella. She is currently the alto and Artistic Director of Voco Novo, artistic director of Vocal Asia Festival, principle organist of the Holy Family Catholic Church, and the conductor of Tabor Youth Choir.

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