為推廣 a cappella 以及教會管風琴,雙雙平時積極參與各式教學活動,包含講座,工作坊,以及一對一指導。In order to promote the art of a cappella and organ, Christine often offers private lessons, workshops, and coaching sessions.
A cappella 的部分包含阿卡貝拉入門介紹,音樂賞析,一對一團隊指導,編曲,人聲即興,曲式分析,阿卡歷史演進,身體與音樂連結,等。教會音樂的部分包含一對一管風琴司琴指導,歌唱指導,聖詠團排練,禮儀音樂解說,等。
雙雙經常受邀至各個藝術節與機構分享阿卡貝拉,如 Vocal Asia Festival, 上海阿卡貝拉音樂節,Aarhus Vocal Festival(丹麥),VoiceJam Festival(美國),花東合唱營,韓國阿卡貝拉教育協會,等。同時為了服務偏鄉,自 2016 年開始,定期前往台東與蘭嶼教課至今。
A cappella topics include a cappella 101, how to listen to a cappella, arranging, vocal improvisation, song analysis, a cappella history, singing and groove, voice coaching, and group coaching. Church music topic includes voice coaching, organ private lesson, choir rehearsal, and liturgical music.
She’s often invited to teach in various festivals and institutions including Vocal Asia Festival, Shanghai A Cappella Camp, Aarhus Vocal Festival, VoiceJam Festival, Huatung Choir Camp, Korea A Cappella Education Society, etc. She is also dedicated herself to charity by going to aboriginal villages including Litu and Orchid Island to teach music since 2016.
Written by
劉 雙雙
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