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自 2005 年第一次接觸管風琴之後,雖然是一個難度非常高的樂器,但便深深愛上它。由於從小生長在天主教家庭,學習教會音樂實在是再理所當然不過了。於是在 2006-2009 年間,我到了維也納的教會音樂院學習教會音樂。在那裡, “教會音樂家” 這個名稱代表著兼具管風琴彈奏,聖詠團指揮,作曲,唱歌,等的職業,想當然耳,在學校也是要學習這些項目。為了將天主的恩寵奉獻於生活中,我在當地參與了英文教會團體,並成為彌撒專任管風琴師。回到了台灣後,加入了台北聖家堂的司琴團,並在幾年後成為堂區內的管風琴指導老師。這幾年,認識了許多教會內的優秀音樂家,並參與台北教區禮儀委員會聖樂組,希望能夠透過這樣的管道來推廣聖樂。

為我姐姐 “冰冰” 的婚禮所創作的答唱詠(拍攝於 志援+Kiki 婚禮)

Since I first started taking organ lesson in 2005, I fell in love with it right away even though it was a very difficult instrument to learn.  I grew up in a catholic family, and therefore studying church music was quite a natural decision.  Therefore, from 2006-2009, I went to Vienna, Austria to study church music at the Diocese Conservatory for Church Music.  In Europe, “church musician” means being able to play the organ, conduct choir, compose, sing, etc. and therefore these topics were taught in the conservatory.  In order to make use of the talent that God gave me, I joined the Vienna English Catholic Community and started serving the mass as an organist right away.  After moving back to Taiwan in 2009, I joined the organist group at the Taipei Holy Family Catholic Church, and became the principle organ teacher a couple years later.  Since I moved back, I’ve gotten to know many wonderful musicians in the church, and joined the Taipei Diocese Liturgical Commission’s sacred music division, hoping to promote sacred music through this channel.


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